Browsing by Author Sirisena, U.G.A.I.

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
PGIATAR_27_2_115.pdf.jpg2016Developmental biology and feeding efficiency of menochilus sexmaculatus (coleoptera: coccinellidae) (fabricius) reared on aphis craccivora (hemiptera:aphididae) (koch)Priyadarshani, T.D.C.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Sirisena, U.G.A.I.; Wijayaguasekara, H.N.P.
PGIATAR_26_2_223.pdf.jpg2015Evaluation of the potential of trichogramma chilonis ishii (hymenoptera:trichogrammatidae) as a bio-control agent for trichoplusia ni,cabbage semi-looperSinghamuni, S.A.A.; Jayasuriya, M.I.U.F.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Sirisena, U.G.A.I.
PGIATAR_28_2_192.pdf.jpg2017Mass rearing of cheilomenessexmaculata(coleoptera :coccinellidae) on different diets under laboratory conditionsPriyadarshani, T.D.C.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Sirisena, U.G.A.I.; Wijayagunasekara, H.N.P.
2013Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) species on economically important fruit crops in Sri LankaSirisena, U.G.A.I.; Watson, G.W.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Wijayagunasekara, H.N.P.
PGIATAR-24(2)-139.pdf.jpg2013A modified technique for the preparation of specimens of sternorryncha for taxonomic studiesSirisena, U.G.A.I.; Watson, G.W.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Wijayagunasekara, H.N.P.
PGIATAR_30_2_13.pdf.jpg2019Pink wax scale (ceroplastes rubens) a growing threat to agriculture in Sri LankaVithana, K.V.A.I.K.; Sirisena, U.G.A.I.; Hemachandra, K.S.
PGIATAR_27_1_1.pdf.jpg2015Potential for mass rearing of the egg parasitoids, trichogramma chilonis and tricogramma achaeae (hymenoptera: trichogrammatidae) on corcyra cephalonica eggsSinghamuni, S.A.A.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Sirisena, U.G.A.I.
PGIATAR_26_2_237.pdf.jpg2015Scanning electron microscopy of six selected mealybug (hemiptera: pseudococcidae) species of Sri LankaSirisena, U.G.A.I.; Watson, G.W.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Sage, O.; Wijayagunasekara, H.N.P.
PGIATAR_26_3_537.pdf.jpg2015Trichogrammatoidea bactrae (hymenoptera: trichogrammatidae):a potential biocontrol agent of rice leaf folderPerera, M.C.D.; Hemachandra, K.S.; Sirisena, U.G.A.I.