Browsing by Author Perera, E.R.K.

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
PGIATAR-7-159.pdf.jpg1995Characterization of semen of Nili-Ravi buffalo bulls using standard and modified techniquesGunarajasingam, D.; Abeygunawardena, H.; Kuruwita, V.Y.; Perera, E.R.K.; Perera, B.M.A.O.
PGIATAR-9-193.pdf.jpg1997Effect of different levels of dietary fat on nutrient utilization in small ruminantsMaria hasan, C.P.; Perera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-6-80.pdf.jpg1994Effect of improved protein nutrition in rumen parameters and blood metabolites in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) heifersSahama, T.M.I.R.; Perera, E.R.K.; Perera, A.N.F.
PGIATAR-9-217.pdf.jpg1997Effect of level of urea in the urea-molasses-mineral-bolus on the degradation characteristics of sugarcane bagassePerera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-16-128.pdf.jpg2004Effect of Molybdenum supplementation on circulating mineral levels, nematode infection and body weight gain in goats as related to seasonMahusoon, M.M.; Perera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.; Perera, K.A.
PGIATAR-8-351.pdf.jpg1996Effect of source of Nitrogen supplementation on straw utilization and nitrogen balance of mature male goatsKhanal, R.C.; Perera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-5-327.pdf.jpg1993Effect of urea nitrogen treatment on growth performance and rumen parameters of indigenous buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) heifersSahama, T.M.I.R.; Perera, E.R.K.; Perera, A.N.F.
PGIATAR-7-177.pdf.jpg1995Ensiling characteristics and nutritive value of sugarcane topsKhanal, R.C.; Perera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-8-338.pdf.jpg1996Estimation of heat tolerance ability of saanen , local Jamnaparix local goats and a suitable temperature - humidity indexGoonasekera, M.M.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-9-236.pdf.jpg1997Feeding value of different levels of Leucaena hay and coconut oil meal as a supplementary feed for goatsMousoon, M.M.; Perera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-14-40.pdf.jpg2002Interrelationships among environmental and physiological factors at insemination with conception rate of water buffalo(Bubalus bubalis)Pagthinathan, M.; Perera, E.R.K.; Wijayagunawardane, M.P.B.; Perera, A.N.F.; Kaduwela, S.C.; Perera, K.A.
PGIATAR-10-383.pdf.jpg1998Performance of dairy cows to urea supplementation with or without fish meal under grazing management in the coconut triangle of Sri LankaUthayathas, S.; Perera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-15-226.pdf.jpg2003Relationship of environmental factors, cooling treatment, blood metabolites and intensity of heat signs at insemination with conception rate of water buffalo(Bubalus bubalis)Pagthinathan, M.; Perera, E.R.K.; Perera, A.N.F.; Kaduwela, S.C.
PGIATAR-14-50.pdf.jpg2002Status of macrominerals of forages and goats under natural browsing conditions in the north western province of Sri LankaMahusoon, M.M.; Perera, A.N.F.; Jayawardena, V.P.; Perera, E.R.K.; Perera, K.A.
PGIATAR-23(4)-309.pdf.jpg2012A study on basic physiological parameters and their response to exercise of exotic horses (Equas cabellus) kept under Sri Lankan conditionsHulugalla, W.M.S.W.; Perera, E.R.K.; Wijayagunawardane, M.P.B.