Browsing by Author Bandara, D.C.

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
PGIATAR-18-322.pdf.jpg2006Antioxidant response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to salt stress at different growth stagesSafeena, M.I.S.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-11-432.pdf.jpg1999Based application of fused magnesium phosphate (FMP) on the incidence of post harvest internal browning of Mauritius pineappleSelvarajah, S.; Herath, H.M.W.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-19-193.pdf.jpg2007Biological and economical feasibility of growing Mint (Mentha sylvestris L.), Mustard (Brassica integrifolia L.) and Asamodagam (Trachyspermum involucratum L.) under hydroponicsPadmathilake, K.R.E.; Wickramarachchi, V.N.; Anver, M.A.M.S.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-17-194.pdf.jpg2005Comparison of the carbon partitioning and photosynthetic efficiency of lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.) under hydroponics and soil cultivationAnver, M.A.M.S.; Bandara, D.C.; Premathilake, K.R.E.
PGIATAR-13-231.pdf.jpg2001Effect of basal application of different sources of calcium on the control of internal browning of Mauritius pineapple under cold storageHerath, H.M.I.; Bandara, D.C.; Abeysinghe Banda, D.M.G.
PGIATAR-12-352.pdf.jpg2000Effect of calcium and potassium fertilizer applied at the time of planting on the control of internal browning under cold storage of mauritius PinaappleHerath, H.M.I.; Bandara, D.C.; Abeysinghe Banda, D.M.G.
PGIATAR-14-117.pdf.jpg2002Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and quality parameters of three sugarcane varietiesKumara, A.D.S.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-20-243.pdf.jpg2008The effect of plant growth regulators on anther culture response and plant regeneration in selected Sri Lankan Indica rice varieties, Japonica varieties and their inter -sub specific hybridsHerath, H.M.I.; Bandara, D.C.; Samarajeewa, P.K.; Wijesundara, D.S.A.
PGIATAR-3-312.pdf.jpg1991Effect of potassium and legumes on the establishment and growth of pasture mixtures in the mid-country of Sri LankaPremalal, G.G.C.; Premaratne, S.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-12-408.pdf.jpg2000Effect of pre-harvest calcium application level for the post harvest keeping quality in mauritius pineappleHearth, H.M.I.; Bandara, D.C.; Abeysinghe Banda, D.M.G.
PGIATAR-10-214.pdf.jpg1998Effect of pre-harvest calcium treatment on post-harvest quality of pineappleSelvarajah, S.; Herath, H.M.W.; Bandara, D.C.; Abeysinghe Banda, D.M.G.
PGIATAR-14-87.pdf.jpg2002Effect of salt stress on leaf area rate of photosynthesis and proline accumulation of rice varieties at different growth stagesSafeena, M.I.S.; Bandara, D.C.; Sumanasinghe, V.A.
PGIATAR-12-107.pdf.jpg2000Effect of soil moisture stress at selected stages of growth on the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal resistance and their impact on the yield of chilli (capsicum annuum L.)Mahendran, S.; Bandara, D.C.; De Costa, W.A.J.M.
PGIATAR-10-12.pdf.jpg1998Effect of water stress on coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) seedlings under different soil types and compaction levelsNainanayake, N.P.A.D.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-13-431.pdf.jpg2001Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation on growth performance of maize (Zea mays L.) in the mid country of Sri LankaSatchithanantham, S.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-12-95.pdf.jpg2000Effects of soil moisture stress at different growth stages on vitamin C, capsaicin and ... -carotene contents of chilli (capsicum annuum L.) fruits and their impact on yieldMahendran, S.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-4-42.pdf.jpg1992Evaluation of leaf characteristics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) and mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) varieties for drought resistanceThrikawela, B.S.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-16-14.pdf.jpg2004Evaluation of physio-agronomic and chemical traits in relation to the productivity of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)Illangakoon, T.K.; Bandara, D.C.; Fonseka, H.
PGIATAR-15-39.pdf.jpg2003Identification of RAPD markers for salt tolerance in riceSafeena, M.I.S.; Sumanasinghe, V.A.; Bandara, D.C.
PGIATAR-4-37.pdf.jpg1992In vitro propagation of Katurumurunga (Sebania grandiflora (Linn) Poir) through callus cultureJayalath, P.; Bandara, D.C.