Browsing by Subject Animal feeding

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
PGIATAR-21(4)-412.pdf.jpg2010Development of a leguminous leaf meal blocks as an animal feedSomasiri, S.C.; Premaratne, S.; Gunathilake, H.A.J.; Abeysoma, H.A.; Satsara, T.H.M.N.
PGIATAR-22(1)-76.pdf.jpg2010Effect of Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) leaf meal blocks on intake, live weight gain and milk yield of dairy cowsSomasiri, S.C.; Premaratne, S.; Gunathilake, H.A.J.; Abeysoma, H.A.; Dematawewa, C.M.B.; Satsara, J.H.M.N.
PGIATAR-8-351.pdf.jpg1996Effect of source of Nitrogen supplementation on straw utilization and nitrogen balance of mature male goatsKhanal, R.C.; Perera, A.N.F.; Perera, E.R.K.
PGIATAR-24(3)-289.pdf.jpg2013Effects of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seed powder on growth performance, visceral organ weight, serum cholesterol levels and the nitrogen retention of broiler chickenWeerasingha, A.S.; Atapattu, N.S.B.M.
PGIATAR-24(1)-12.pdf.jpg2012Effects of moringa based feed additives on the growth performance and carcass quality of broiler chickenDavid, L.S.; Vidanarachchi, J.K.; Samarasinghe, K.; Cyril, H.W.; Dematawewa, C.M.B.
PGIATAR-1-159.pdf.jpg1989Effects of urea ammonia treatment and urea molasses lick (mol-u-min) supplementation of rice straw on intake, digestibility and some bio-chemical parameters in cattleBadurdeen, A.L.; Ranaweera, S.S.E.; Ibrahim, M.N.M.
PGIATAR-12-297.pdf.jpg2000Nutrient digestibility in rabbits as affected by effective microorganisms (EM) yeast culture and enzymesThayalini, S.
PGIATAR-23(4)-338.pdf.jpg2012Strategies to improve the cost effectiveness of broiler productionSamarakoon, S.M.R.; Samarasinghe, K.
PGIATAR-1-185.pdf.jpg1989Straw based supplementation for cattle grazing natural herbage under coconutMangalika, U.L.P.; Pathirana, K.K.